LGIM – The 1 Thing

In coaching, we often ask “what is the 1 thing that has made the difference for you?”…

here is a list of some of the Ninja Best Practices:

Real Estate Reviews: They are an easy and great way to provided useful and current information to  past clients and sphere

FORD Calls: they give you permission to call people to just TALK.  There is no reason other than to connect.

FLOW – by doing consistent mailings you can stay connected and visible.  It allows you to stay connected even if you are away or get busy.

Morning Ritual – helps you start your day with purpose and a clear vision

There are millions of “1 things” – you just need to find yours.  It can be talking with others, or getting yourself focused… whatever it it, embrace it and do it often.


The 1 thing… what is yours?


Coach Clara

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